DUBLIN 17th MayTAKING OVER THE ACADEMY at the Royal Irish Academyw/ Soula Emmanuel, James Hudson & Emma TobinDESTINATION LONDON 18th May at Uncommon Press w/ Morgan M Page, June Bellebono & Lauren John JosephLONDON 19th May at UCL BRIGHTON 22nd May at The Actors w/ Emma Frankland, Alison Rumfitt & Subira Joy EDINBURGH 24th May at Lighthouse w/ Josie Giles & Ely Percy GLASGOW 26th May at Category Is w/ Shola Von Reinhold & Josie GilesMANCHESTER 28th May at Partisan Collective w/ H Gareth Gavin and Just Do The Thing Order THE CALL-OUT by Cat Fitzpatrick Order APSARA ENGINE by Bishakh Som